My Value System

My life is founded on five core values, guided by personal principles rather than religious or societal expectations. I follow my inner light, prioritizing impact over perfection, with the aim of benefiting humanity.


As an individual who has served in the Nigerian Armed Forces, I have developed a deep understanding and commitment to my own nation. I firmly believe that it is up to us, the people of Nigeria, to build and shape our country's future. I am dedicated to witnessing Nigeria achieve the greatness it rightfully deserves. In line with this passion, I have written a song called 'I Believe in My Future' (You can watch the song through this link [provide the link]). This song serves as an expression of my unwavering faith in the potential of Nigeria and my determination to contribute positively towards its progress.


I have made a personal promise to myself that I will not live a life akin to a bullet fired into empty space, creating mere noise with no lasting impact. Instead, I aspire to live a life that leaves a substantial pedestal for future generations, extending beyond the boundaries of my immediate family. This commitment to posterity is the driving force behind every aspect of my existence, motivating me to make a meaningful contribution that will endure and positively shape the world for those who come after me.


Life is not fair or easy, and true success belongs to the brave. My concept of grit revolves around six key characteristics:
1. Perseverance: The ability to persist in the face of challenges, setbacks, and obstacles. It involves working hard, maintaining focus, and making sustained efforts.
2. Resilience: Bouncing back from failures, disappointments, and adversity. Viewing setbacks as temporary, learning from them, and using them as opportunities for growth.
3. Passion: Having a strong and enduring passion for long-term goals. Deep commitment and intrinsic motivation drive unwavering dedication to pursuits.
4. Consistency: Demonstrating commitment and discipline over time. Consistently working towards goals, making incremental progress, even in the absence of immediate results.
5. Long-term focus: Prioritizing long-term goals over short-term gratification or distractions. Willingness to delay immediate rewards for long-term success.
6. Courage: The ability to face fears and take bold actions in pursuit of one's goals. Embracing risks and challenges with determination and bravery.


My understanding of authenticity encompasses several vital values:

Integrity: I perceive integrity as a spherical concept, maintaining perspective from all angles. It serves as the foundation of authenticity, reflecting honesty, moral principles, and consistency in actions.
Loyalty: A true lover must possess loyalty, extending faithfulness and commitment to allies and those who trust in them. Loyalty strengthens bonds and fosters trust in relationships.
Kindness: Beyond superficial niceness, kindness entails refraining from harm and choosing grace towards others, even those perceived as weaker. It is a genuine display of empathy and compassion.
Love: Love for humanity is the driving force behind innovation and progress. It encompasses care, understanding, and a desire to contribute positively to the well-being of others.
Originality: I embrace individuality and despise being a mere copy of someone else. Valuing originality allows for unique perspectives, creativity, and the exploration of untrodden paths.

These values form the essence of authenticity, shaping my actions and interactions with others.


I embrace a purpose-driven life, where every day holds meaning and excitement. I am guided by a clear vision of my desired end state, and I find fulfillment in the journey itself, even in the face of failures and setbacks. I am on a mission, and with every breath in my nostrils, I am committed to pushing forward until I achieve this purpose.


Life is a gift, living is a choice, mediocrity is below the baseline, though my journey may be rough, I am promised, they will see my Lord’s Excellency in me. –Azeez Oluwole


I embrace a purpose-driven life, where every day holds meaning and excitement. I am guided by a clear vision of my desired end state, and I find fulfillment in the journey itself, even in the face of failures and setbacks. I am on a mission, and with every breath in my nostrils, I am committed to pushing forward until I achieve this purpose.


Life is a gift, living is a choice, mediocrity is below the baseline, though my journey may be rough, I am promised, they will see my Lord’s Excellency in me. –Azeez Oluwole

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